Recognized gold standard of contemporary dental implantation.
a. 种植体稳固不松动
Absence of mobility
b. 种植体周围无X线透射区
Absence of a continuous radiolucency around the implant.
c. 术后第1年内骨吸收小于2mm,1年以后平均每年骨吸收小于0.2mm
bone loss should not exceed 2mm in the first year after operation, and after the first year of service, the annual vertical bone loss should not exceed 0.2mm per year.
d. 无疼痛,感染,神经损伤和感觉异常,无神经管损伤,修复体美观满意.
Absence of pain, inflammation, injury of nerve, paraesthesia (foreign-body sensation) or injury of mandibular neural tube, dental prosthetic restoration aesthetic satisfaction.
In the international area, success rate of dental implantation is 95%~9 9.5%, AKJ dental China-USA-Korea dental implant center have successfully implant tens of thousands artificial teeth. The statistical success rate is 99%, reach advanced international standard. By contrast, the success rate of the decade of porcelain fused to metal fixed bridge, which need grinding of natural teeth, is just 80%, far behind the success rate of dental implantation!
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