
来源:牙康网 时间:2023-09-27 15:45:08 责编:护牙顾问 人气:

【摘要】  目的:观察金沉积基底冠熔结镍铬桥体烤瓷桥的临床修复效果,为临床利用金沉积技术制作烤瓷桥修复提供参考。方法:26例门诊患者,用镍铬桥体支架与金沉积固位体基底冠熔结后烤瓷的方法制作烤瓷桥29件,临床观察3年,采用牙龈出血指数(PBI)和菌斑指数(PI)评价修复前后基牙的牙龈健康状况,同时对修复体的完整性、边缘密合性进行评判。结果:金沉积基底冠熔结镍铬桥体烤瓷桥修复后基牙PBI高于修复前,PI在修复后低于修复前。修复体无边缘着色,边缘密合性高,修复成功率89.7%。结论:金沉积基底冠熔结镍铬桥体烤瓷桥的修复方法是一种可选择的固定修复方法。

【英文摘要】  Objective:To evaluate the clinical effect of galvano-ceramic bridges made by Ni-Cr pontic fired bonding galvano caps with highly temperature-resistant adhesive based on three-year clinical trials. Methods : A total of 29 galvano-ceramic bridges made by Ni-Cr pontic fired bonding on the galvano caps were used for 26 patients. Abutment teeth plaque indices (PI) were compared according to Silness and Loe standards and their papillary bleeding indices ( FBI) according to Mazza standards before restoration and a...