
来源:牙康网 时间:2023-09-28 10:33:58 责编:护牙顾问 人气:

研究固定正畸矫正治疗6个月和12个月时牙釉质龋白斑的患病率,为有效控制牙釉质的早期脱矿提供依据。方法:将114名进行固定正畸矫治病例分为三组:6月组、12月组合空白矫正组,检查各组患者靠近托槽龈方牙面的牙釉质龋白斑患病率和龋白斑指数。对各组间牙釉质龋白斑患病率和龋白斑指数进行单因素方差分析,Logistic 回归分析检验治疗时间和性别对牙釉质龋白斑患病率的多重影响。结果:76%的男性患者和24%的女性患者出现了牙釉质龋白斑,其患病率的差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);6月组和12月组间患病率的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),但与对照组组间的差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:患者行固定矫正器治疗时牙釉质龋白斑的患病率在最初6个月时急剧上升,因此,临床医生应注意在患者进行固定矫治器治疗的最初数月应密切关注其口腔卫生状况,必要时应采取措施防止牙釉质的脱矿。

[关键词] 固定矫治器;牙釉质龋白斑;患病率

[中图分类号] R783.5 [文献标识码] A doi:10.3969/j.jssn.1..3-1634.2011.05.011

Effects of fixed appliances during orthodontic treatment on the incidence of white spot lesions of enamel in vivo. WANG li-fen1,HUANG zhi-gang1,ZHANG xia2*.1.Department of stomatology,Daye People Hospital,Hubei Daye 435100,China;2.Department of Orthodonic,Tongji Hopital.Tongji Medical college,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Hubei Wuhan 430030,China [Abstract] Objective:The aim of this in vivo study was to investigate the iffects of fixed appliances during orthodontic treatment on the incidence of white spot lesisons of enamel.Method:114 paitents who were examined for the presence of enamel demineralization were divided into three groups:6-month group,12-month group and the control group.Tooth surfaces gingival to the archwire were exzamined for the presence of white spot lesions of enamel,and a visual score based on the extent of demineralization were given.Result:Overall,76%of subjects in the study who had white spot lesion were males and 24%were females.In the 6- and 12-month groups,the percentages of individuals having visible white spot lesion were 37% and 49%,respectively.In the control group,only 9% of the sample had white spot lesion.The 6-month and 12-month groups were significantly different from the control group but were not significantly different from each other.Conclusion:It is of great importance to evaluate the oral hygiene status of patients during the initial months of orthodontic treatment and,if necessary,to implement prective measures immediately to prevent demineralization.[Key words] fixed appliances;white spot lesions;incedence



1 病例选择及实验分组



2 实验方法





3 统计学分析

用SPSS15.0软件对各组间牙釉质龋白斑的患病率和龋白斑指数进行单因素方差分析,Turkey’s多重检验比较其组间差异;使用Logistic 回归分析检验组别(即治疗时间)和性别对牙釉质龋白斑患病率的多重影响。P<0.05为有统计学意义。

