By Roger P. Levin, DDS 据英国体育文,间接数字频率分解器
Introduction 导言
The best companies are driven by a leader’s vision. 最好的公司是由指导者的远见。 The same is true for the best orthodontic practices. 这同样适用于正畸的最佳做法。 What is vision? 什么是理想? It means having a clear understanding of what you want to accomplish and where you want your business to go in a specified time period. 这意味着有一个清楚的理解你想要完成并在您想要去的企业在规则的期限内。 Business owners, including orthodontists, must have a vision for the future of their businesses if they are to successfully grow and prosper. Effective leaders share the practice vision with the orthodontic team. 企业一切者,包括矫正医师,必需有一个对将来的想象,他们的企业,假如它们要成功地开展和壮大。 有效指导人分享远见的做法与正畸团队。 Explaining the vision helps the staff become active participants in building the practice and achieving all goals. 远景有助于解释的任务人员积极参与建立的做法和完成一切目的。
Running a successful orthodontic practice is about more than just practicing orthodontics. 管理着一个成功的矫正做法不只仅是理论矫正。 It is about leading a group of people on a journey focused on achieving measurable goals. 这是有关指导一组人的旅程重点放在完成可权衡的目的。 It is about maximizing talents and teamwork to accomplish something that could not be done individually. 这是最大限制地发扬人才和团队来完成的东西,不能独自进行。 It is about providing exemplary patient care while attaining increased levels of production and profitability. 这是有关提供模范病人的看护,同时完成更高水平的生产和盈利才能。
Write It Down 它写下来
The starting point for all these achievements is a vision statement. 起点,一切这些成就是一个设想阐明。 It entails clearly written information describing where the practice is going in the next 3 to 5 years. 这需求明白的书面材料,阐明这种做法是将在将来3至5年。 A vision statement can vary from a short, single paragraph to a series of several paragraphs. 一项远景声明,可以不同的短,单段的一系列几个段落。 In most cases, however, brevity is a virtue. 在大多数状况下,但是,简洁是一种美德。
The pace of orthodontic practices has dramatically increased over the past years, limiting the time orthodontists have available to carry out management and leadership roles. 正畸的步伐做法大大增加在过去几年里,时间限制在矫正医师具有进行管理和指导作用。 The orthodontist should identify the most important practice achievements he or she would like to accomplish in the long-term. 该orthodontist应确定最重要的理论中获得的成就,他或她想完成的久远。
Establishing a vision requires that you ask yourself a series of questions, including: 树立一个想象,您需求先问问本人的一系列问题,其中包括:
How many days a week do you want to work? 多少天一个星期你要任务?
How do you want to manage the practice? 您希望如何管理的做法?
How do you want the practice to run? 您希望如何运转的做法?
The answers to these questions and others will give you an understanding of where you want to be in the time period you determine. Examples may include reaching top percentiles of production or having the best reputation in the community. 这些问题的答案和其别人将让您理解您要在您的时间内确定。 例子能够包括到达顶端百分的生产或拥有最好的名誉在社区。
This list should be reviewed regularly with goals added and subtracted until the orthodontist is satisfied that the final list captures the essence of the practice vision. 这份清单应定期审查的目的,增加和减少,直至orthodontist感到称心的是,最后名单抓住了实质的理论设想。 The list can be pared down to the four to six key phrases that will be incorporated into the vision statement. 该清单可以缩减到5时56关键的词组,将归入远景声明。 Remember, any item removed from the list is not eliminated because it is undesirable or wrong, but simply because the practice can only accomplish so much over time. For example, an orthodontist may wish to become the top orthodontist in the state, but if the practice is a new one, a more reasonable goal might be to become the leading orthodontist in the county. 请记住,任何项目从名单中删除不消弭,由于这是不可取的或错误的,但仅仅是由于这种做法只能做到这么多的时间。举例来说, orthodontist无妨成为顶端orthodontist在该国,但假如理论是一个新的,更合理的目的能够是要成为抢先orthodontist的县。
Many orthodontists do not have a vision for the next 3-5 years for their practice. Because the world is changing rapidly and it is often difficult to make long-term projections about the future of orthodontics, I recommend that the vision be created for no longer than a 3-5 year timeframe. 许多矫正医师没有远见的将来3-5年的做法。由于世界正在迅速变化,并经常难以作出长期预测的将来的矫正,我建议目光没有发明超越3-5年的时间。
From Vision to Reality 从想象到现实
Once an orthodontist has created a practice vision, the next step is to set annual goals. 一旦orthodontist发明了一个理论理想,下一步就是确定年度目的。 Remember three important things about goals. 记住三个重要的事情目的。 They must: 他们必需:
Be written in clear, specific language 写明白,详细的言语
Goals must be communicated to the team as well. 目的必需是传达给团队的。 If your staff doesn’t fully understand what the practice goals are, how can they be motivated to achieve them? 本次回签如有不清楚的地方,建议加牙康网www·yake¥net¥cn的牙痛咨询Q群144&270@484了解,假如您的任务人员并不完全理解这一做法的目的是,如何才干完成这些目的的动机?
Have a deadline 有一个最后期限
Can a practice reach $500,000, $1 million or $1.5 million in gross production in the next 12 months? 这种做法可以到达$ 500000 , 100万美元或150万美元的生产总值在将来12个月? Naturally, this depends on where the practice is today, but a realistic assessment should be established and a deadline assigned to that goal. 当然,这取决于这种做法是今天,而是一个现实的评价应树立和期限分配到完成这一目的。
Be measurable 是可以权衡的
Just because a doctor feels that he or she is “getting there” does not guarantee the practice is moving in the right direction toward achieving the desired goal. 只是由于医生以为他或她是“让有”不保证的做法是在朝着正确的方向完成希冀的目的。 Numbers – not feelings – verify if a goal has been achieved. 数字-没有感情-验证一个目的曾经完成。
Orthodontists who set goals are clearly focused on where they want the practice to go and when they want to get there. 矫正医师谁定的目的是明白的重点,他们希望去的做法,当他们想要得到的。 They want to make their practice vision a reality. 他们想使他们的做法想象变为现实。
Conclusion 结论
The orthodontist who truly wants a successful future must make the time to create a vision. 该orthodontist谁真正想成功的将来时,必需树立一个远景。 The vision maps out a clear direction for your practice so that it can provide you with the highest levels of satisfaction. 远景地图了明白的方向,您的做法,以便它可以为您提供最高水平的称心度。 If a practice does not provide the financial resources for the orthodontist and family to enjoy a certain quality of life, then satisfaction will be fleeting. 假如这种做法不提供的财政资源, orthodontist和家庭享用一定的生活质量,然后称心地将稍纵即逝。 Even in a practice that produces tremendous financial income, if the orthodontist is fatigued and highly stressed, practicing orthodontics will $$$$$yake114.com$$$$$F032F364564E618307A982607A4BCA83C5CB9BD9899C9A8C6689999E8632B46D173EB3ED17EF2D875F91C5465D8ACAAF4A5736413F9823815560D2BC0C6A258F11D4FE05AB64B76894F0BE5D8B83D315E06EDBF65B1FE8DB24089728BC75CB3179E00BFEF5EA212D516A84B20D391BF5E608B643AFFBBE4107445CF2742071AD7B2E811FB318FCBDFB32E6D609E5E96B77B19AE1A580C0140DC6FD4E2D69049902C03D823565ADD1EAD61AC113BC116706CF818AED17ACEB47887EED30A33D5EC8DC52EDFA6FF03F69939
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